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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2022

Gonfty ecosystem platform. NFTY chain can become a parachain

Metaverse is a combination of two considerations that have been going on for quite some time: PC has created reality and a high level of second life. For a critical long period of time, technologists have longed for a time when our virtual life works as vast as our real variables. Reflecting this current reality, Metavers can be described as a resurgent progressive environment to create space for rich client affiliations that uses augmented reality (AR), PC-made reality (VR) and blockchain, close to the thinking of electronic media. Metaverse is basically an interesting 3D virtual presence image where clients can help different places as their high level image. Especially like this current reality, Metaverse allows clients to navigate different Metaverse spaces as their mechanical image. What is Gonfty? GONFTY is a Polkadot compatible metaverse and blockchain game infrastructure project. We are building an industry-leading integrated NFT Web 3 on-chain gaming metavers platform ecosyste...

functions as a database of public financial transactions

INTRODUCTION Oilz Finance Is the best token in the cryptocurrency world. For a long time this token has occupied its place in the market. The market value of this token is at a very high level and has fallen a bit for now, although it is still very important. The price of any token in the market is unstable and the price of this token fluctuates. However, this Token is very popular. The token is a favorite of many big Oilz Finance investors. This token is great because cryptocurrencies have run this token in the market since its inception. Everyone thinks that this token will skyrocket later In real life there is such a thing as correspondence and real Oilz Finance For Logic this is a logical consequence of the lifestyle Let it saturate.I really like the concept of this project, great idea with a strong team- We will support this project. WHAT IS CRYPTOCURRENCY? Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency. created using the same method as cryptography (the science of hiding informatio...

Oilz.Fi 는 암호화폐 에서 가장 안정적인 수익을 제공합니다.

  소개 암호화폐 시장은 현재 2조 달러 이상의 가치가 있습니다. 이 기하급수적인 증가는 암호화 자산에 대한 빠른 수요를 나타냅니다. 향후 몇 년 동안 50조 달러 이상의 법정화폐 준비금이 다양한 암호화 자산에 투자될 것으로 예상됩니다. Namun, ruang kripto mengalami kekacauan dalam longsoran aktivitasnya dan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, kasus penggunaan, ekosistem, token, dan koin setiap hari, kita hanya dapat mengalami erupsi tanpa batas dalam berbagai paket data ini. Jika titik data ini tidak dikumpulkan dengan benar, mereka dapat berdampak negatif pada pengalaman kripto baik bagi investor maupun pedagang grosir. Teknologi Blockchain memiliki dampak positif pada sistem pembayaran global dan pengembangan lebih lanjut diperlukan di ruang ini untuk menyederhanakan dan mengkonsolidasikan seluruh sistem. Teknologi Blockchain memiliki pengaruh signifikan dalam perdagangan global dan industri pembayaran Protokol Oilz Finance menyatakan sebaliknya, tidak satu pun dari mereka yang menawarkan kepada penggemar cryptocurrency kesempatan untuk berinvestasi secara tidak langsung di per...

blockchain, yang berfungsi sebagai database transaksi keuangan publik.

  Lewati ke konten Auto Pembayaran Tertinggi – Staking & Auto – Compounding Protocol Beli $OILZ   Pergi ke Bagan – Audit oleh  Solidproof  – OILZ Auto-Staking Protocol PENGANTAR Pasar cryptocurrency sekarang bernilai lebih dari 2 triliun dolar. Kenaikan eksponensial ini menunjukkan permintaan barang kripto yang cepat. Di tahun-tahun mendatang, diharapkan lebih dari 50 triliun dolar dalam cadangan fiat akan diinvestasikan dalam berbagai aset kripto. Namun, ruang crypto mengalami kekacauan dalam longsoran aktivitasnya dan karena teknologi, kasus penggunaan, ekosistem, token, dan koin berkembang setiap hari, kami hanya dapat mengalami letusan tak terbatas dalam berbagai paket titik data ini. Jika titik data ini tidak dikumpulkan dengan benar, mereka dapat berdampak negatif pada pengalaman kripto bagi investor dan pedagang grosir. Teknologi Blockchain telah berdampak positif pada sistem pembayaran global dan ada kebutuhan lebih lanjut untuk pengembangan di ruang ini...